Episode Four


It is three days after the coronation. HOPE, BO, SHAWN and JENNIFER are sitting in the airport waiting for their flight to be called.

JENNIFER is flipping pages in a magazine and glancing nervously toward something we can't see.

SHAWN: It sure will be nice to get back to Salem. (BEAT) Although returning to class is no treat.

HOPE: Well you've already missed enough school as it is young man. It's just a good thing Jack and Jen were so eager to visit some museums yesterday so you kids could see some sights and get your minds off of the shootings.

BO: And a little bit of education. Thanks again for that Jen.

JENNIFER is silent. All three of them turn to look at her.

JENNIFER: (looking up in surprise) Huh? (BEAT) Oh the museums. It was - you know - it was our treat.

JACK: (walking up and joining them) What was a treat?

JENNIFER: The museum (JACK stares at her seemingly confused) yesterday

JACK: Mu - oh right, the museums yesterday the Louvre and those others that we went to yesterday with the kids. Those were quite educational.

JENNIFER: (standing up next to JACK) And they gave us the opportunity to head to the giftshops for Grandma and Abby.

JACK: (picking up where JENNIFER left off) Oh yes. There's absolutely nothing that Abigail loves more than Paris. Remember last year when we brought her here Jennifer? Can it really have been a year? (JACK begins counting on his fingers)

JENNIFER: So anyway, Shawn (She glances at JACK and noticing him counting, she grabs his hand and gives him a look that says she's annoyed) we were happy to take you and your friends around the city.

SHAWN: (staring at them strangely) Uh - huh. Thanks.

BO: (changing the subject) So Jack, how did your phone call go?

JACK: (smiling widely and lifting his eyebrows at JENNIFER) Officer Brady, I'm glad you asked. It would appear that - well our eyewitness accounts of the coronation as well as our theories on who would do such a thing are a huge success. (turns around to face the BRADYS) In fact they want Miss Horton and myself to consider doing a whole series of -

JENNIFER: (wrapping an arm around JACK'S neck and kissing his cheek) Oh Jack! That's wonderful, amazing, spectacular -

JACK: -- Marvelous, splendid and sensational. Yes, yes Jennifer, I've read my thesaurus too. (smiles uncomfortably at the BRADY FAMILY) Hehehe that's our Miss Horton, always a professional.

JENNIFER: (realizing what she's done and backing off of JACK) Oh well you know it's just so -

ANNOUNCER: (V.O.) Le vol 786 part maintenant pour New York City a la porte 31. Flight 786 is now departing for New York City at Gate 31.

JENNIFER: (picking up her bag and taking HOPE'S arm) It's just so good to be working again. (They're walking toward the gate) You know I've been working since college in this business, most of that time with Jack, so these past six months or so (handing the agent their boarding passes) while I've been sitting around not working have just been killing me. That's why I've been in such a funk (Her voice trails off as she and HOPE disappear down the corridor)

SHAWN: I can see now what you meant the other night about enjoying the silent Jennifer Horton. (shakes his head, but he is smiling as he hands the agent his boarding pass) I think she could go on forever.

JACK: Yes, she does it to wear you down and she could go on endlessly if needed. (He watches for a second as BO and SHAWN head for the plane.) But there is no sweeter sound in the world. (smiles to himself and then starts after them) Now wait a second Shawn ... Shawn Douglas ... there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you.

OUT on JACK boarding the plane


On board the plane and headed for New York City. BO, HOPE and SHAWN are sharing three seats in an aisle and JACK and JENNIFER occupy two seats a few rows up and across the aisle from them. Although an empty seat could separate JACK and JENNIFER they instead are seated side by side. JACK is typing on his laptop while JENNIFER watches and gives her input.

HOPE: (To SHAWN) So what was Jack discussing with you earlier Shawn?

HOPE gets no response. SHAWN has his headphones on so BO taps his shoulder.

SHAWN: (looking up from his book and removing his headphones) Huh?

HOPE: What were you and Jack discussing as you boarded the plane?

SHAWN: Oh he just was wondering if I had any plans for the summer.

BO: (looking curiously first in JACK'S direction and then at SHAWN) Did Jack have plans for you for the summer?

SHAWN: (shrugging his shoulders) He didn't give any specifics, just said that he was wondering if I had "plans for the future - distant and not so distant". He mentioned something about dynasties and publishing houses and then Jen came up, apologized and dragged him to his seat.

HOPE: So did you get the impression that his stay in Salem might be (BEAT) long term as opposed to just a short visit with Abby?

SHAWN: (smiles as though it should be obvious) Well, mom, look at them. Didn't you get the impression he's staying?

HOPE: I suppose so. There's just something about all of this that is unusual -

BO: Unusual for who, Hope - normal people or Jack and Jen? 'Cause they seem normal to me. (DOUBLE BEAT) And speaking of normal, I spoke with mom this morning and she said JT is doing fine.

HOPE: Good. They didn't mind the extra couple of days we took to make sure John would recover?

BO: Nah - mom and pop love the little guy, you know that. And they were concerned for John too. They still think of him as a member of the family.

HOPE: Yes, I know. (To SHAWN) How do you think Belle is holding up?

SHAWN: Well, you know Belle -- sunny disposition through the worst of things, but it's still tough for her.

HOPE: It would be a little easier if Brady were there with her.

BO: Yeah, but then it would be even harder on Marlena.

HOPE: Of course, you're right.

BO and HOPE fall silent and SHAWN returns to his studies.

BO: You know I just thought of something. Once we get back to Salem we should make sure Jack gets over to see Brady. It might do them both some good.

HOPE: Yes, it's been far too long. And Brady (sighs) oh that poor boy needs some guidance Bo.

BO: Well, I've tried, but I'm too close to John and Marlena. But Jack and even Jen were two of Isabella's best friends. And who's more objective than a couple of reporters?

HOPE: (leaning her head on BO'S shoulder) Well as you so wisely reminded me, with Jack and Jennifer, there's no telling.

OUT on BO and HOPE smiling at each other


JENNIFER: For the last time Jack, "i before e except after c". R-E-C-E-I-V-E-D.

JACK: That's what I have here Jennifer. (looks at the screen and reads the letter off to her) R-E-C-I-E- oh! (makes a face at the screen)

JENNIFER: Aha! (smiles triumphantly) Why don't you just let me do the typing? You know I'm the natural born editor and you're the "ideas" man. (she grabs for the laptop)

JACK: We're - (pulls it from her clutches) Come now Miss H, aren't we above pigeon holing ourselves into roles?

JENNIFER: We should be (grabs again) above a great many things Jack, but we're not.

JACK: Touche. (BEAT) You're going to break it. (pulls the laptop to the empty seat) Stop that!

JENNIFER: You stop that. (grinning) Just give me what I want and we'll be fine.

JACK: Oh you always think that's the answer, don't you? Smile at me, give me that sexy little look with those dazzling green eyes and I'll give in. Well not this time Miss Horton. (He pushes her arms away as she grabs again for the computer)

JENNIFER: Jack Deveraux, you egomaniac, you selfish, self-centered, obnoxious -

JACK: (covering her mouth with his hand) Shh ... is that any way for a mother to talk? (BEAT) Especially about the father of her child.

He removes his hand and she's still grinning. It's obvious they both are loving the teasing and childishness.

JENNIFER: Well if the father of my child weren't so unbelievably stubborn, we'd be done by now, wouldn't we? But no, you can't even let go of your precious little computer for a few minutes so that we could get this first draft finished.

JACK is still grinning. He looks at JENNIFER, then the computer and seems to be ready to give in whent BO and SHAWN appear in the aisle.

BO: Hey there Jen. Can we trade seats for a bit?

JENNIFER: (looking up at them - disappointed) Well - um - we're still working on this story.

BO: Right. But (BEAT) well Hope wanted to ask you a few things about JT. It's been a while since she had a little baby (tousles SHAWN'S hair in a fatherly type way) and she was wondering about some things.

JENNIFER: (still reluctant to leave JACK) But it's been a while since I had a baby -

JACK: (cutting through the bull) Jennifer, it's obvious that either Hope wants to talk to you or the Brady boys feel they need to talk to me. (he pats the laptop) This will keep. We can't send it in until we get back to Salem anyway.

JENNIFER: (standing) Fine Jack. (begins to walk off but then turns back to JACK) But I'm in charge of the typing when I get back.

JACK holds up his hands in surrender. They both smile and she walks away to join HOPE. SHAWN takes the window seat and BO takes the aisle.

JACK: (smiles at them both in an unsure way) Well the only thing worse than Jack Deveraux sandwiched between two Brady men on a plane would be Jack Deveraux sandwiched between two Horton women so somehow I must have lucked out. Why don't you give it to me?

SHAWN: Give it to you?

JACK: (winces) The lecture or (BEAT) whatever it is your have in mind.

SHAWN: (barely containing his laughter) No lecture Jack -

JACK: Good because you're not old enough to be giving me lectures (BEAT) and I don't think your father is either.

BO: We just want to know what your intentions are Jack?

OUT on JACK'S shocked expression


JACK: My ... my intentions? (laughs) You guys ... you're comedians, really. A father - son team, there's very few of those around.

BO: We're not kidding Jack.

JACK: (suddenly serious) Jennifer is my wife and we're both adults. If we have any intentions they're ours and we don't owe anyone but our daughter any explanations.

SHAWN and BO exchange knowing glances recognizing that JACK referred to himself and JENNIFER as "we" and JENNIFER as his wife.

BO: You're right man. We're sorry to intrude. We just love Jen and worry about her. She's been miserable without you these past few months, but in these last couple of days she's been much more alive. We just want to see everything work out for you two this time.

JACK nods.

BO: (CONT.) So what are you doing? Shawn mentioned that you were wondering what he was going to be doing this summer.

JACK: Yes you see (glances around to make sure JENNIFER isn't coming up) I've got a surprise for everyone.

SHAWN: A surprise?

JACK: The majority of it has already been taken care of, but I've got to finalize a few things still.

BO: Sounds pretty cryptic Jack.

JACK: Oh not at all. It just involved me locating something of mine and reacquiring something else, both of which were stolen from me.

BO & SHAWN: Stolen?

JACK: Yes stolen. And in the process my future and Jennifer and Abigail's future were stolen. But that is no longer the case. And this project is something that I'd like to see more of our family involved in as well, which is why I asked you about this summer. I believe Stephanie will be visiting your grandparents this summer too and I'm hoping she'll be able to join us in this venture.

SHAWN: What exactly are you talking about Jack?

JACK: All in good time Shawn Douglas, all in good time. (BEAT) In the meantime why don't you both fill me in on the good people of Salem, starting with Isabella's son?

OUT on BO and SHAWN filling JACK in


They've all switched planes in New York City and are now headed for Salem. JACK and JENNIFER have finished their newest article.

JACK: (putting away the computer) Well, finished at last.

JENNIFER: (stretching) Hmm ... I never thought we'd get this one done.

JACK: Just enough time for a little nap before we hit Salem.

JENNIFER: Don't you mean reality?

They turn their heads to face each other with sadness etched on their faces.

JACK: (cups her face and whispers) We're not back to reality yet.

JENNIFER: But we are. This isn't Paris and Bo and Hope are just a few rows behind us, probably watching our every move for hints. Hope is suspicious.

JACK: So is Bo. (raises his head and looks back at BO and HOPE. They're asleep) But I think we're safe right now. Bo and Hope are asleep.

JENNIFER: And Shawn is in on the scam. (smiles) I'm glad we told him.

She leans in and kisses him.

JACK: Me too. He'll be a good ally in this thing and we can trust him. But we have to make sure we take care not to let him get too involved Jennifer.

JACK settles back into his seat

JENNIFER: (leans her head on his shoulder) Of course we will. And you'll protect him just like you protect the rest of us. (reaches over and grabs his hand) That's what you do Jack (lifts his hand to her mouth and kisses it) And you're (they're hands rest again on her leg and she reaches over with her free hand and rests it over their hands) You're better at that than anyone I know Jack.

JACK: (leans his head on hers) Thank you sweetheart. (He kisses her forehead) Sometimes I just need to hear you say it.

They settle into their seats, still holding hands, their hands resting against each other. They're obviously happy to be together like this. A slow, romantic piano piece is heard as we watch them. JENNIFER snuggles in closer and closes her eyes, falling asleep.

OUT on JACK gently touching her hair before closing his eyes and falling asleep as well


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