Episode 5
JACK is struggling with JENNIFER'S bags as they enter her GRANDMOTHER'S house. JENNIFER tosses her keys on the table in the foyer.
JACK: (breathing heavy) Uh ... did you (breath) did you forget that you were only in Paris (swallows hard) for a week?
JENNIFER: (grabbing one of the small bags) Oh please Jack, this is nothing - the bare essentials.
JACK: (mumbling) I only hope our daughter takes after me.
JENNIFER: (smiling) What was that Jack?
JACK: (setting down the two large suitcases, there are still several others hanging on his shoulder) Nothing, nothing. Do you think maybe I could drag these upstairs for you tomorrow?
JENNIFER: Sure. I don't think I'll be unpacking tonight. It's a little late for that.
JACK: Well then, au revoir, mademoiselle. (tips his imaginary hat to her) It's been a pleasure as always. (turns to leave)
JENNIFER: (grabbing his arm) What's your hurry?
JACK: (facing her) As you already pointed out, it's late. And I have to find accommodations in this fair city. In fact (looks for the phone) can I use the phone to call for a c -
JENNIFER: Don't be silly. Abby is going to want to see you first thing in the morning and so is Grandma. (BEAT) Just stay here tonight.
JACK: I don't know Jennifer -
JENNIFER: (moving closer to him) Come on Jack. We'll put your suitcase in one of the spare rooms.
JACK: That doesn't seem app -
JENNIFER: (fingering the buttons on his shirt) In the morning you can just sneak across the hall. (she leans in closer to kiss him)
JACK: (pulling back) I know that is not appropriate.
JENNIFER: We're not going to do that Jack. But there's nothing wrong with us sharing a kiss or two (BEAT) and a bed. What everyone doesn't know won't hurt them.
JACK: (SMILING) When you put it that way. (picks up his suitcase) What are we waiting for Miss Horton? Lead the way. (smacks her bottom)
JENNIFER: (grabbing a second small bag of hers and putting it over her shoulder) Come on Jack. (BEAT) You know I hate it when you do that. (puts her hand out behind her for him to take)
JACK: (taking her hand and following her up the steps. He whispers in her ear) You love it. (smacks her again)
JENNIFER: (giggling) I hate it.
JACK: Do not.
JENNIFER: (as they reach the top of the stairs she turns to him, barely containing her laughter) Could you just shut up for once Jack?
JACK: No ... I don't think s -
She reaches up and grabs his shirt collar, pulling him to her for a kiss. When they break apart she leaves her hand there and guides him to the rooms as she walks backward. She is "shh"ing him and he is looking as innocent as he possibly can. At the door across from her room, they stop and he opens the door, kicking the suitcase in and then closing the door again. She then takes him to her room, kissing some more along the way.
OUT on them closing the door quietly, her soft giggles can be heard
It is the next morning and JACK is whistling as he comes down the stairs buttoning the last button on his cuff. He walks toward the kitchen.
JACK: (pushing the door open and calling out) Jennifer I just got off the phone with the -
He stops showt. JENNIFER, ABIGAIL and ALICE are all there as he expected, but so are HOPE, BO, SHAWN, JT, JULIE and DOUG.
JACK: (looks back into the living room) Did I miss the Christmas tree when I walked in?
ABIGAIL: (rushing over to him) Daddy! Oh you're really here. Did you miss me? I can't believe mommy found you.
JACK: (hugging her close) Of course I'm here Abigail and I missed you desperately. But let's not worry about that now. How are you this morning?
ABIGAIL: I'm fine daddy. Grandma made breakfast and everyone came over to have some.
JACK: (quietly) So I noticed. (To everyone else) Hortons one and all, good to see you. (walks over to ALICE. He is still holding ABIGAIL. He gives ALICE a peck on the cheek.) Mrs. Horton, thank you for the room last night.
ALICE: Of course Jack. I could not have you staying in some hotel when we have rooms darling.
JACK: Thank you. (sits ABIGAIL down in her chair and glances at JENNIFER) It was nice to be in the same house as my princess.
JULIE: Jack, darling, you were saying something about the phone as you came in?
JACK: Was I? Oh yes, yes I was. I was just about to tell Jennifer that I had just finished speaking with the realtor.
JULIE: (exchanging a glance with ALICE) Oh really? Planning on buying a house Jack?
JACK: (grabs a plate) Renting actually - for now.
JENNIFER: (trying to help) Actually, Jack and I are going to rent it together.
ABIGAIL'S eyes grow wide and the adults all look to JACK.
JACK: (nervously) Uh ... well, I don't know why everyone is staring. (BEAT) It's hardly unheard of for two people to rent a house together.
ALICE: (going to ABIGAIL) Dear, I think you've had enough this morning. Why don't you go and get ready for your swimming lesson? I'm sure your mommy and daddy want to take you.
ABIGAIL: (glancing at JACK) Really? (JACK nods) Good, I can't wait for everyone to meet you daddy.
ABIGAIL runs out of the room and JENNIFER follows her.
JENNIFER: (at the kitchen door) Don't forget to brush your teeth baby.
She turns back to face the family. JACK is seated and his head is buried in his plate as he ignores the looks he is getting from the HORTON clan. JENNIFER decides to do the same so she busies herself clearing ABIGAIL'S dishes.
JENNIFER: The flight home was so nice yesterday. Safer than the coronation. (laughs weakly)
JACK: (glancing up) Indeed. (buries his head again)
JENNIFER looks to SHAWN for help.
SHAWN: Oh yeah the ... uh ... the flight was nice. (looks at JENNIFER and rolls his eyes)
The silence continues with only the clinking of the silverware on plates heard.
DOUG: Well are you two going to explain yourselves?
JENNIFER: (smiling sweetly) Explain?
JACK: (innocently) I just love a good explanation. Who's explaining what?
JULIE: Who do you two think you're dealing with here?
OUT on JULIE giving them both a look that means business.
JACK and JENNIFER are looking sheepishly at JULIE.
BO: What Julie means is that this little plan to live together has us all a bit curious.
JACK: It's fairly simple. Our daughter wants to live with her mother and her father and so long as it is within our power to do so, we intend to make her happy.
ALICE smiles at this
HOPE: Do you two actually think you can pull this off?
JACK and JENNIFER look at each other, disappointed that they've already been found out.
JENNIFER: Wh - what do you mean by that?
HOPE: What will happen if Abby sees the two of you fighting?
JENNIFER: (relieved) Do you mean to tell me you and Bo have never fought in front of Shawn?
HOPE: Well of course not -
JACK: And I can assure you that Jennifer and myself have had our fair share of arguments in front of the child and she's still fine. (stands up and gains confidence in the truth) I can tell that all of you are concerned about this little arrangement, that I'm not going to keep up my end of the bargain, and I won't deny that there are certain issues about which we also have misgivings. However, I think that we both have a healthy respect for each other as people and as parents. And above all else we love our daughter and want nothing more than to make her happy.
JENNIFER: (smiling widely) So you can all worry yourselves into a tizzy, but we've thought this through and it's the only way we're prepared to raise our child right now. (BEAT) Jack, I think it's time for us to take Abby to her lesson. We can call the realtor to set up appointments for later.
JACK: Precisely what I was going to suggest when I came in here. Good day Hortons, Bradys, Williams, anyone else I might be forgetting.
JACK begins to walk out but when JENNIFER doesn't follow he turns back around and pushes her gently toward the door and smiles at everyone. Then he turns to ALICE.
JACK: I hope you'll allow me to treat you to dinner tonight, Mrs. Horton, as a thank you.
ALICE: I'd love it darling. (BEAT) And thank you.
JACK: For what, Mrs. Horton?
ALICE: An amusing and enchanting breakfast Jack. You are a wonder. (she pinches his cheek affectionately) Now scoot on out of here. You don't want to keep Abby waiting.
JACK: (softly) No, I think I've done that enough.
JACK walks out of the kitchen and JENNIFER is waiting for him near the stairs.
JACK: Well that went well.
JENNIFER: (kisses him lightly) As well as could be expected. Come on daddy, we've got a little guppy to get to the pool.
JACK: (LAUGHING) Oh that child is no guppy -
OUT on JACK and JENNIFER laughing and heading up the stairs to ABIGAIL'S room.
JULIE: What do you all make of that?
BO: (rubbing his chin) Jack and Jennifer certainly seem to have thought this out.
HOPE: I don't know. (BEAT) What if they find someone else?
DOUG: Come on honey. If there are two people in this world that something like this could work for, it's Jack and Jennifer. Have a little faith.
ALICE has been cleaning up, smiling and humming throughout the conversation.
HOPE: Gram, what do you think?
ALICE: I think it's nonsense to worry about either of them meeting someone else.
JULIE: But Grandma, they're both young enough still -
ALICE: Darlings, isn't it obvious? They're both still crazy about each other. I don't doubt that on some level they are doing this for their daughter, but that is not the only reason. I think they both want for this to work out between them, they're just afraid to admit it to us (BEAT) and themselves.
OUT on ALICE smiling
SHAWN: (lying) I don't know about that Grandma. You didn't see them in Paris, they fight (BEAT) a lot.
ALICE: (smiling) Fore - (remembering to whom she is speaking) That's Jack and Jennifer, Shawn. Oh, you're probably too young to remember what it was like when they fell in love and you were away at school when Jack returned. (sighs) But I haven't forgotten. (BEAT) And I'm surprised the rest of you have. (she sits down next to SHAWN) They're a strange couple, to say the least. On the surface, they seem like night and day, but underneath, they've got the same hopes, dreams and insecurities.
SHAWN: (disbelieving) Jack and Jen ... insecure?
ALICE: They hide it well, my dear boy. But with love comes fears, especially when you've been hurt as many times as those two have been.
As ALICE continues to speak we see DOUG and JULIE holding hands and BO with his arm around HOPE as she holds JT and smiles at her husband.
ALICE: (CONT.) But like your parents and grandparents and your grandpa Tom and myself, they will be able to work past all of those things, you'll see.
HOPE: Oh Gram, you're too romantic for your own good.
ALICE: (standing and walking toward the sink) And haven't I the right to be? I've lived long enough to have seen and experienced my fair share of love Hope Brady. And I daresay, I'll live long enough to see it blossom again for the younger ones in our family. (smiles at her great-grandson) Now don't all of you have some plans with Caroline and Shawn?
JULIE: Yes, we do Grandma. And if we don't get going we'll be late. Doug, clear your plate so grandma doesn't have to do it all.
DOUG: Yes ma'am.
OUT on the family cleaning up
JACK is on the phone speaking to the realtor, keeping a close eye on the pool. JENNIFER is watching intently too as the swimming lessons continue
JACK: (on the phone) So what we're looking for is a three bedroom, nice yard, good neighborhood and schools, some space for an office of sorts (BEAT) You do? That's great. Yes we'll be there around (taps JENNIFER and mouths, "What time?" She replies, "one" and then turns back to the pool) We'll be there around one. Yes, thank you.
JENNIFER: So she's got some houses that fit the bill?
JACK: (putting the cell phone in his pocket) Yes, at least three that she could think of and perhaps a few more between now and one. So how's the child doing out there?
JENNIFER: Fine. Abby just loves the water you know. And this indoor pool is great because the kids can swim year-round.
JACK: Hmm...(watching ABIGAIL) You know I think we might have an Olympic swimmer on our hands.
JENNIFER: (laughing) But Jack, if she's busy becoming the next Jenny Thompson how are we going to build our dynasty?
JACK: Oh that's no problem, she'll just be studying (turns to look at JENNIFER who is still laughing) Oh, teasing are we Miss Horton? Well, don't you worry, I never forget anything. (taps his temple) It's all up here.
JENNIFER: (pretned fear) Oh I'm terribly frightened Jack. (laughs) In all seriousness, I think that our little one could do anything she set her mind to do. She's amazing, no fears, bright, enthusiastic --
JACK: (continuing) Charming, funny, poised. All the best of both of us. (proud and loving) Who would have ever thought we'd manage to get something so important right?
JENNIFER: (wanting to take his hand, but resisting since they're in public) I always knew you had it in you Jack.
JACK: (turning to look at her, his love evident on his face) Well, I hardly think it was all me. In fact, I'd say you have a great deal to do with why she's the most amazing child on the planet.
JENNIFER: Only the planet Jack?
JACK: Well, I don't want to put too much pressure on her.
JENNIFER: (still watching ABIGAIL) Speaking of pressure, how about my family this morning? Have you recovered?
JACK: It's going to take some time to get used to the Horton gang again, but I think I can handle them. You ladies seem especially susceptible to my many charms.
JENNIFER: Well, just so long as you don't get carried away Jack and start charming all of the women of Salem in an effort to prove to my family and anyone else that we're not getting back together.
JACK: I honestly don't think anyone else would find my childishness and inability to express emotion charming Jennifer. (he smiles at her)
JENNIFER: Well, if you think that, then you're a fool. It's not that they wouldn't all find it charming, it's that most of them wouldn't still be putting up with it twelve years later. Besides, you've gotten a little better.
JACK: Admit it, you enjoy the adventure I bring into your life.
JENNIFER: Maybe I do, Jack. (BEAT) But I do not enjoy these crazy schemes and I definitely don't enjoy this lying to my family business.
JACK: As you know very well it takes two to tango Jennifer and you were as involved in the (lowers his voice) investigation of those doctors as I was. I didn't get us into this crazy scheme all alone you know.
JENNIFER: I know that Jack. (looks around) I wasn't blaming you for that, but why can't we just confess that it's all an act and that we're really still together.
JACK: I told you why, the thr -- (mouths "The threats")
JENNIFER: I think the truth is, you just like playing these silly house games Jack.
JACK: Maybe I do. You must admit it keeps things interesting.
JENNIFER: Hmm...(looks at her watch) Come on Mr. Interesting, we need to get Abby all changed so we can grab some lunch and go househunting. (stands up and goes down the steps)
JACK: Oh yeah, she loves it.
OUT on JACK smiling and following JENNIFER down the steps
It is later that evening and JACK, JENNIFER and ALICE enter the room. MAGGIE approaches them.
MAGGIE: Jack Deveraux (hugs him - he is slightly uncomfortable) It's been too long.
JACK: Yes it has Maggie. (BEAT) You look great. Tell me, how is Salem's finest lawyer?
MAGGIE: (looking from JACK to JENNIFER and smiling) Mickey is fine, thank you. (BEAT) How long are you going to be home, Jack?
ALICE: (giving MAGGIE a kiss on her cheek) He's here indefinitely, darling. Isn't it wonderful? (MAGGIE smiles and nods)
JENNIFER: Is our table ready?
MAGGIE: (wrapping an arm around JENNIFER'S waist and leading them to their table) Of course. A nice, cozy table for three in the corner.
JACK offers ALICE his arm and they follow as JENNIFER and MAGGIE exchange unheard pleasantries.
ALICE: Jack, this is so good of you to take us out.
JACK: (leaning closer to her and with great affection in his voice) There's nothing better than spending the evening with my two favorite Horton women.
ALICE: Abigail is at home dear.
JACK: Ah, that child is a combination that is a different force of nature entirely, a Deveraux-Horton, one of the sweetest and yet most frightening combinations out there.
ALICE: I don't know darling. She seems to have you wrapped around her little finger like someone else I know.
They all reach the table
JACK: (looking at JENNIFER and smiling) Uh, well, you know Princess Abigail is also a little more devious than her mother, a trait she unfortunately inherited from yours truly. (He helps ALICE to her seat)
JENNIFER is going to sit down and he rushes around to get the chair for her before she can. They exchange nervous smiles and his hand automatically goes to her back as she settles in her seat.
JENNIFER: Thank you Jack.
There is an uncomfortable silence as they continue to look at each other.
MAGGIE: (clearing her throat) I hope this table will be okay. (places the menus down as JACK takes his seat) Let me know if there's anything you need.
ALICE: Thank you dear.
MAGGIE walks away and ALICE turns to face JACK and JENNIFER, who are smiling at each other.
ALICE: Okay you two. You may think you're fooling the rest of the world, but I am far too experienced to be fooled by anyone.
OUT on JENNIFER wide-eyed and JACK looking amused.
They are all silent as a waiter fills their water glasses and then walks away.
JENNIFER: Well Grandma -
JACK: (at the same time) You see Mrs. -
They look at each other and JACK nods to indicate that JENNIFER should continue. ALICE is enjoying all of this.
JENNIFER: You see Grandma, this started about a year ago. We were doing a story about some doctors in Africa.
JACK: They were supposed to be over there helping people, but we discovered that some of them, well some of them aren't exactly on the up and up.
Throughout the conversation we will see ALICE'S shocked reactions to their story.
JENNIFER: Grandma, they were taking the drugs and supplies that were donated and selling them for profit.
JACK: As we began to dig deeper we got closer to the truth. These "doctors" were working for someone else. We were so close - so damn close and then -
JENNIFER: We received some threats grandma.
ALICE gasps and her hands flies to her mouth. JENNIFER looks at her and then JACK and each of them takes one of ALICE'S hands.
ALICE: Oh my darlings, you must have been so frightened.
JENNIFER: (reassuringly) We were. But Jack came up with a plan. I took Abby to Ireland. We figured if we split up, they'd probably focus more on Jack because he would still be doing "research". So he stayed in Africa working.
JACK: The only problem was that our plans never work when we split up. Colin, our friend who was supposed to stay with Jennifer and the child, couldn't stay.
JENNIFER: And Jack was unable to contact me. (JACK looks troubled by this but says nothing) So when Bo appeared I took parts of the truth and made up as plausible a story as I could for my living in Ireland.
JACK: I found out where she'd gone and figured she was safer in Salem anyway. When I found out she was going to Paris for the coronation, I went there in the hopes of seeing her.
JENNIFER: (breathing out) In Paris, we decided to keep up with the charade because everyone would believe that we would do something this crazy and we'd still be able to keep an eye on each other.
ALICE: (shaking her head) You two manage to get into more trouble than anyone I know.
JACK: Now, Mrs. Horton, be fair this family has had it's fair share of people getting into scrapes.
ALICE: (laughing) Oh Jack, you're incorrigible. (BEAT) But there's just one thing I don't understand, why didn't you come home sooner?
JACK: (visibly uncomfortable) I had things to do in Africa, Mrs. Horton. (BEAT) Besides, we had to keep up appearances. If I had contacted Jennifer immediately, the person sending the threats would have been suspicious.
JENNIFER: But, if we meet by chance at a very high profile event, thousands of miles from where each of us is now living, it would seem coincidental, which in fact it was. Then Jack comes home to see Abby and it turns into something more permanent.
ALICE: Separate but together.
JACK: (beaming) Precisely. (BEAT) We figure our fighting will throw off everyone but the family.
ALICE: Who else knows about this?
JENNIFER: Shawn knows bits of it. Dad knows some and our friend Colin knows all of the early stuff.
JACK: But you're the only person we would trust with everything, Mrs. Horton.
ALICE: You still don't know who is behind this?
JACK: No, but I'm not going to stop until I find out.
ALICE: I'm glad you've told me. I can help you deal with the questions from the family and of course Abby. (looks around and catches the waiter's attention) Now, enough about all of this for the time being. Tell me about the houses you two were looking at this afternoon. Have you found one to suit your needs?
JACK and JENNIFER are on the swing in the backyard. They are still dressed as they were for dinner, but JACK'S tie is loosened and his jacket is around JENNIFER. They're looking up at the stars.
JENNIFER: I'm glad we told Grandma.
JACK: So am I. (BEAT) I can't stand lying to her.
JENNIFER: (smiling) Do you believe what you told her tonight Jack?
JACK: Which thing that I told her tonight?
JENNIFER: That we're going to find out who is behind the threats.
JACK: Of course I do.
JENNIFER: Maybe we won't have to worry about anything. I mean, we haven't received any more threats since those first ones. Maybe we're just being overly cautious.
JACK: (unnerved) I don't think one can be overly cautious in this sort of situation.
JENNIFER: What if we never find out Jack? What if we have to play games for the rest of our lives?
JACK: Jennifer, do you honestly think that if we don't figure this out - (stops himself from frightening her) If we don't figure this out, we'll get on with our lives.
JENNIFER: (smiling) With the wedding?
JACK: Yes, with the wedding. You're like a kid at Christmas, you know that don't you?
JENNIFER: I just don't ever want anything to keep us from being happy ever again Jack.
JACK: (taking her hand) Nothing ever will, I promise you that.
OUT on their faces as her head rests on his shoulder and they continue to look up at the stars.
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