
The scene opens after another fight between JACK and JENNIFER. JACK has gone upstairs but JENNIFER is downstairs crying.

JENNIFER: (trying to regain her composure) It shouldn't matter ... I don't care. (She is quiet and thinks back over their fight) What did he mean by my not even caring enough to listen, in Paris or ... (hand flies to her mouth) Not the ... he couldn't mean that letter.

JENNIFER rushes over to her desk and begins rifling through it looking for JACK'S letter.

JENNIFER: Where are you? I know I stuffed -- (finds the letter in a drawer) There you are. I'd say it's about time I opened you (looks to the stairs sadly) See exactly what Jack had to say.

JENNIFER walks slowly back to the couch. She sits, curling her legs under her and grabs a pillow to hug to her chest. JENNIFER opens the letter. As she reads, she occasionally hugs the pillow closer or bites her lips or knuckle.

JENNIFER: Dearest Jennifer -- (BEAT) I know ... I know you're instinctively going to want to close this by now, but I'm hoping you'll hear me out this time. I know the last year has been hard on you, especially the last six months so I can understand your need to get away from it, from me, for a time.

JENNIFER reads it silently and JACK'S voice takes over the reading.

JACK (V.O): But I felt compelled to tell you how I have been feeling over this time. To say that I felt awful leaving you and Abigail alone in a strange land would be an understatement. I thought of the two of you every night I was gone. I knew it would be especially difficult given the fragile nature of your relationship with your father at the time, but it was with that thought in mind that I left. I should have told you from the beginning, but I thought if I could surprise you, you would love it and forgive me for being gone. I know how much importance you place on family and over the years, you've managed to instill that same belief in me ... well, you and the child. I thought the best thing I could do to help you rebuild your relationship with Bill would be to help him. The sacrifice I have made to do this, though greater than any I have ever made, will never be too much for me so long as you are happy. You will find enclosed everything I was able to find in regards to the accusations against your father. It's not conclusive, but I think it, along with the explanations we've heard from Bill, should be enough to clear him in your eyes. Like me, your father isn't a perfect man, but he loves you and wants you to be proud of him. (BEAT) I hope this letter finds you well Miss Horton. Give my love to Abigail and know that should either of you need anything, I'm always a short plane ride away. I will see you both soon, I promise. Love, Jack.

JENNIFER'S face is streaked with tears; her hand is shaking so she lowers the pages to her lap.

JENNIFER: (quietly) Oh ... Jack.

JACK: You called?

JENNIFER: (startled) Jack! (She tosses the letter to the couch and stands up brushing the tears from her eyes)

JACK: In the flesh (BEAT) You've been crying. I'm -- I'm sorry I always seem to make you do that.

JENNIFER: No, it's okay.

JACK: No, it's not Jennifer. It's not okay and neither is this situation. This is not working and I'm sorry I forced you into this.

JENNIFER looks behind him and finally notices his bags in the entryway.

JENNIFER: (poining to them) What are those Jack?

JACK: My things.

JENNIFER: So that's it then, you're just going to walk out?

JACK: I'll still be in town. I have responsibilities here.

JENNIFER: (upset) Oh of course ... Greta's paper.

JACK: (grabbing her wrist to make her listen) And Abigail. And --

JENNIFER: Abby ... what am I supposed to tell her Jack?

JACK: I'll (shakes his head and lets go of her hand to pace around the room) I'll come back tonight and we'll explain it to her.

JENNIFER: She'll be so disappointed. She had such high hopes for us, you know?

JACK: (sadly) I know. (BEAT) But I think we both know this constant fighting isn't helping her any. And it doesn't do either of us any good.

JENNIFER: No, it doesn't but Jack ... just because we're fighting doesn't mean you should move out.

JACK: Doesn't it? Well, maybe you're right, but there are about fifty other reasons why I should. (BEAT) Jennifer, you can't even stand to be in the same room I am in --

JENNIFER: That's not true.

JACK: (cont.) I remember a time when I couldn't get you to leave me alone ... (sadly) no matter how many times I pretended to want you to go away.

JENNIFER: (smiling) And we became friends, didn't we Jack?

JACK: Yes, yes we did. (locks eyes with her) And I think if we're going to have any chance to salvage that I have to go.

There is a silence as they continue to look at each other.

JENNIFER: I guess you have to do what you have to do Jack.

JACK: Yeah.

JACK turns to go.

JENNIFER: I miss that Jack.

Turns back to her

JACK: What? Me walking away?

JENNIFER: (smiling through tears) No, our friendship, Jack. I miss it.

JACK: Me too.

JACK takes his suitcase out to the car and JENNIFER leans against the wall until he returns.

JENNIFER: So ... uh ... where will you stay?

JACK: I'm going to look for a place near here.

JENNIFER: Right, but until then (BEAT -- bites her lip) Will you be staying with Greta?

JACK: Greta? No that wouldn't be appropriate now would it? I'm actually going to stay with your grandmother.


JACK: Yes and I don't want you to worry about money or this place. I'll take care of it.

JENNIFER: Jack, I'm working and you -- you can't afford both Jack.

JACK: Then I'll sleep at the Spectator until I can.

JACK takes out another bag and then returns.

JENNIFER: Jack, I don't want you to go.

JACK says nothing but picks up his last bag.

JENNIFER: (near tears again) Did you hear me Jack? I said I don't want you to go.

JACK stops at he front door and faces her.

JACK: I heard you, but we've already established why I have to go.

JENNIFER walks over and grabs his arm

JENNIFER: I read your letter Jack.

JACK: My -- (looks down at her) Well that's not important Jennifer.

JENNIFER: How can you say that? It was --

JACK: It was written almost a year ago before I understood everything, when I was still working under the misguided and foolish belief that (voice cracks) that we had a chance Jennifer.

JENNIFER: We could Jack.

JACK: No, we couldn't and you know that as well as I do. Because I have -- I have realized over the past eight months or so that I was right about you and me all those years ago.

JENNIFER: (determined) It's funny because I was thinking that I was the one who was right.

JACK: (smirks) I'll just bet you were. (opens the door) Goodbye Miss Horton.

JENNIFER: I'll see you tonight.

JACK: (not wanting to leave) Uh huh.

JENNIFER: And you know maybe we could go for coffee soon, you know ... as friends.

JACK: I'd like that.

JACK goes to leave and then turns back.

JACK: For what it's worth, I never wanted anything more than for you to be happy and to get what you deserve.

JACK kisses her lightly on the cheek, walks away and JENNIFER stands watching him, then closes the door.

JENNIFER: (wistfully) And I never wanted anything more than for you to prove that to me Jack.

OUT on JENNIFER sinking to the floor and crying.


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