Episode Two

Scene one


Some time has passed. The party is now in full swing. As the music continues to play, we see AUSTIN and GRETA dancing. Next we see BELLE and SHAWN laughing becaues BELLE can't exactly get the steps. BO and HOPE are also dancing but HOPE seems preoccupied with something out of view.

BO: What is it Fancy Face?

HOPE: (nodding at something) That. (BO turns to look)

The "that" in question is JACK and JENNIFER. They are standing near the buffet table and JACK is trying to feed her a cracker while she deflects his advances by slapping his hand. JACK is openly amused by her actions. JENNIFER is seemingly annoyed, but the way her eyes are dancing with excitement and the fact that she doesn't move away from him make HOPE curious.

BO: (laughing and turning back to HOPE) Jack certainly seems to be enjoying himself.

HOPE: (wondering) Why does Jennifer seem to be enjoying herself too?

BO: She didn't look too happy to me.

HOPE: (shaking her head) You're not reading between the lines Bo.

BO: Why do I get the feeling you're not going to let this go?

HOPE: Because Jen is my cousin. I just want what's best for her, that's all.

BO: Don't you think she has to figure that out on her own?

HOPE: (sighing) Probably, but that doesn't mean I can't do some digging. (BEAT) And you're going to help me.

OUT om HOPE dragging BO by the hand to the buffet table


JACK and JENNIFER in progress as HOPE and BO come walking up to them.

JACK: -- So then I said, "Open wide and smile."

JENNIFER: (rolling her eyes) Jack, I've heard this story a million times.

JACK: True, but not while I was trying to make you eat a little something, now open up.

JACK grabs her nose and tries to force her mouth open


JACK: Je - (noticing BO and HOPE, he lets go of JENNIFER'S nose and puts down the cracker, brushing the crumbs off his hand).

Officer and Mrs. Brady, lovely to see you both. Belated congratulations on your nuptials. (shakes hands with BO) I really wish I could have been there, but Jennifer will just have to fill me in later.

BO: (amused) Thanks Jack. Were we interrupting something?

JENNIFER: Absolutely not! In fact -

JACK: Just a little foreplay between the former missus and myself. (He picks up the cracker again)

JENNIFER'S mouth opens wide, as do her eyes. JACK takes the opportunity to place the cracker in her mouth.

JACK: (CONT.) There we go. We have to keep her strength up. All this dancing tires her out, you know. Didn't have the opportunity to do much dancing in Africa and we're a bit out of practice.

JENNIFER: (slightly garbled as she tries to finish the cracker) No, we didn't Jack. Not with you -

JACK: (grabbing HOPE'S hand) Mind if I steal your wife for a few moments of silence, Bo?

BO: Oh no (JACK takes off with HOPE) no. (turning to JENNIFER) I guess this means I'm to take his wife off his hands.


BO: Huh?

JENNIFER: Ex - ex-wife. And I'd love to dance with you Bo because anything would be better than one more insane minute talking to Jack.

JENNIFER storms off toward the dance floor leaving BO behind.

BO: Uh - huh. (He grabs a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and drinks it all) You've got a long night ahead of you Brady.

OUT om BO joining JENNIFER


JACK and HOPE are dancing

JACK: I find this formal dancing style intriguing. Although I do think they could liven it up a little. I know you ladies are dressed to the nines in these (He gestures up and down at her gown) ballgowns, but does that mean there can't be some fun?

HOPE: Are we going to talk like virtual strangers all night Jack?

JACK: Hehehe (BEAT) I thought maybe if I kept up the small talk, I'd be able to avoid the Spanish Inquisition.

HOPE: (amused) Spanish Inquisition, Jack?

JACK: Yes, the Spanish Inquisition - Horton style. Although I guess we'll have to make do without Grandma's donuts. (BEAT) Well, go ahead - ask away, but I can't promise you a straight answer.

HOPE: And I wouldn't expect one from you. (He smiles at this) So, why do you think I'm here to give you the third degree?

JACK: Because - because you're an ex-cop and that's what cops do?

HOPE: Oh really?

JACK: Yes and it's what Hortons do. And if you're thinking you can make me feel worse about taking Jennifer and Abigail to some faroff country only to abandon them there, you can guess again Hope because nothing could make me feel worse - nothing.

HOPE: Then tell me something - why did you do it and why did you come back?

OUT on JACK'S shocked expression


JENNIFER and BO are dancing, not too far away from JACK and HOPE. Throughout their conversation, JENNIFER looks at JACK, something which BO realizes.

BO: So Jen, I didn't know you knew the fine art of dancing - nineteenth century style.

JENNIFER: (distracted by JACK) Oh you know - boarding school, the odd party here and there, you pick it up.

BO: (smiling - he looks around and spots BELLE and SHAWN) Things seem to be going well for Shawn tonight.

JENNIFER: Uh - huh

JENNIFER manages to catch JACK'S eye for a moment and he gives her a little wave. She smiles in return.

BO: (noticing her smile) Haven't seen you do that in a while.

JENNIFER: (still distracted) Yeah.

BO: And I'm getting the feeling that for all of your protesting, you'd rather be dancing with Jack.

JENNIFER: (perking up at JACK'S name) I don't know what you're talking about Bo Brady.

BO: You've been mooning over him like a schoolgirl Jen.

JENNIFER: (emphatically) I have not.

BO: (laughing) I'm not complaining Jen. I mean you've been pretty miserable in Salem. You brighten around Abby, but that's about it (BEAT) until tonight.

JENNIFER: Just what are you implying?

BO: I'm not implying anything. I'm saying straight out that Deveraux still gets to you. Be it good or bad, he gets under your skin and I think you know it, he knows it and what's more - you both like it.

JENNIFER looks at BO, speechless, then glances at JACK and back at BO.

OUT on her face slightly turned up in a grin.


Back to HOPE and JACK - she has asked him why he left and why he's now back.

JACK: Why I left?

HOPE: Yes. Why would you leave the woman you love and your child, whom I know you adore?

JACK: Hehehe. You don't pull any punches do you Hope? Excuse me for a second.

They're dancing near the orchestra and JACK walks up to the CONDUCTOR, hands him something and then whispers to the man. The CONDUCTOR smiles and then nods as JACK points toward BO and JENNIFER. Then JACK walks the few steps back to HOPE.

JACK: (smiling a "happy jack" smile) Now where were we?

HOPE: What was that?

JACK: (looking around) What was what?

HOPE: (pointing to the orchestra) That! That thing you did up there with the conductor?

JACK: Oh -- oh that! That was nothing. Merely a request. (BEAT) So, what was your question again?

HOPE: (sighs) Why did you leave Africa?

JACK: Simple, I never left Africa, Jennifer did.

HOPE: (slightly exasperated) Then why did you leave Jen and Abby?

JACK: Too complicated to answer now Hope. But I think I can answer your other question a little better.

HOPE: Why you're back?

JACK: Yes (nodding) Yes. You see that's much simpler.

HOPE: Nothing with you is ever simple, but lay it on me Deveraux.

JACK: (deepens his voice) Okay Brady. (HOPE smiles) The simple answer is, I love my wife - or rather - my ex-wife. When we separated, I thought it would be for the best, but I know now that isn't the case. We're a team and we work best together.

HOPE: But Jack -

JACK: No "but"s Hope. That's how it is. Jennifer knows it as well as I do. (JACK looks over HOPE'S shoulder at JENNIFER and smiles) I just have to remind her of that. So now you have to follow my lead.

HOPE: (confused) What?

JACK: (leading her toward BO and JENNIFER) Follow my lead.

He guides her to where BO and JENNIFER are dancing and then bumps HOPE into BO.

JACK: A thousand apologies. (BEAT) But since we're both stopped can I persuade you to trade partners?

BO: (unsure) Uh - I - uh (looks to JENNIFER)

JENNIFER: Of course, Jack. Why should Bo and Hope be deprived of each other's company, just because we can't stand each other?

JACK: (letting go of HOPE and taking JENNIFER by the arm) Ah spoken like a true martyr. (BEAT) And while this dull music may be appropos at the moment, I think before long we'll all be kicking up our heels. Until later, dear cousins.

JACK whisks JENNIFER away and BO and HOPE look at each other.

BO: He is weirder now than he ever was.

HOPE: (smiling) Maybe, but he still loves Jen to distraction. (BEAT) Something strange is going on here Bo and we've got to figure it out.

BO: Not tonight Fancy Face. Let's just enjoy each other.

HOPE: (hugging him close to her) You're right. Tonight is for us.

OUT on BO and HOPE leaning in for a kiss


JACK and JENNIFER are dancing. Their distance while they dance would indicate two people who would rather be anywhere else, but the fluidity of their bodies reveals that these are two people completely in tune with each other and the way they can't keep their eyes off of the other indicates their great attraction and love. When the music stops, JACK catches the CONDUCTOR'S eye and nods. The man turns back to the orchestra and we hear "PARA DOS" begin.

JENNIFER: What is this?

JACK: (smiling) From Argentina with love. Shall we?

JENNIFER: I don't think we should. It's not a very good idea.

JACK: Au contraire, mon amie. C'est magnifique.

JACK pulls JENNIFER close to him and almost instinctively she follows along as they begin to tango. There is a buzz around the room, first because the music choice is so odd for the occasion and then because of JACK and JENNIFER. Soon a few other adventurous couples join in.

JACK: (As he pulls her up after a low dip) This is much easier when you don't have this ballgown on.

JENNIFER: (smiling wickedly) Is that an invitation?

JACK: Sounded like one, didn't it?

He guides her across the floor, their eyes always on each other. The air is electric between them and it doesn't go unnoticed.

BELLE: I thought dad said that they had broken up?

SHAWN: (amazed as JACK and JENNIFER cross in front of the young couple) I guess what they say is true -- dancing has a way of revealing a couple's true passions.

BELLE: (smiling) Maybe, we can get Jack and Jen to give us lessons back in Salem.

SHAWN: I don't think that's the sort of thing that can be taught.

As the music ends JACK eases JENNIFER back for one last dip. When he pulls her up they're both breathing heavier and their faces are inches away from each other and they're smiling. The sound of clapping wakes them from their reverie. They instinctively back away from each other and walk off the dance floor.

JACK: (waving) Thank you. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tips always welcome.

JENNIFER: (leading him to a spot near the staircase) What was that?

JACK: I believe that it is called dancing.

JENNIFER: What it is called (lowering her voice, but enunciating clearly) is blowing our cover!

JACK: Jen - (noticing a man coming out from behind a curtain with a gun) Get down! (He shoves JENNIFER down) Everyone get down!

The next shots flash by at a slower than normal speed, but not quite in slow motion, with the sound of bullets flying and screaming.

We see JACK falling and then shielding JENNIFER.

CUT TO: BO falling to the ground and grabbing HOPE with him.

CUT TO: JOHN diving on top of several guests near him and then glancing up to see if MARLENA is down. We see him motioning for her to get down.

CUT TO: MARLENA grabbing BELLE and them falling to the ground together.

CUT TO: SHAWN being hit by some flying object and falling to the ground.

CUT TO: PHILLIP down on the ground with an obviously shaken CHLOE nearby.

CUT TO: VICTOR being hit by a bullet and falling to the ground. KATE and NICOLE are both near him.

CUT TO: GRETA being hit by a bullet and slumping down next to AUSTIN.

OUT on the devastation

End of Episode Two

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